Saturday, 2 March 2019

Illustration Friday, "Fashion"

For the Illustration Friday theme of "Fashion," I submit a card from the game, 
"Trust Me, I'm Psychic," by Spin Master Games. 
This character is based on Brunhilde from Wagner's opera, The Ring Cycle.
I created 41 tarot-like cards for the game and it was the most fun I've ever had!
Linocut with digital color.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Illustration Friday, "Fairy Tale"

 For the Illustration Friday theme of Fairy Tale, I submit an illustration from The Swan Prince, commissioned by Shubrook Brothers, UK back in the day.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Illustration Friday, "Electronic"

Here's a personal piece for Illustration Friday's theme of Electronic. 
Linocut with digital colour, as always.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Illustration Friday "Flying"

For the Illustration Friday prompt of "Flying," I created a piece to celebrate 
the Lunar New Year.  Linocut and digital.

Monday, 7 January 2019

Illustration Friday "Wall"
The Illustration Friday theme this week is "Wall." This was an exercise submitted to SCBWI Canada East Blog, a challenge pairing an author and illustrator. We were each given a prompt of four words and left to individually create a story in words or picture respectively. The prompt words in this challenge were: Luke, kangaroo, cave, lumberjack.